Presidential Debate LIVE BLOG

Follow along with this post as the debate goes on I’m gonna be updating it every commercial or so.

So I’m watching right now before the debate actually starts and some old fart just said that there is no clapping or booing for the live audience. That is a huge load of crap, there’s no way this audience can keep that up.

I have no idea what the context of this video is but I love it. THANKS A LOT BITCH

So Lester Holt just came out and he’s trying to not be nervous in front of 100 million people. How can they predict that many people will be watching? I fell like if the said 150 million were projected to watch the 150 million would end up watching.

Also the CNN people have mentioned that this is the first debate with a woman about 1451347 times as if we didn’t know she was a woman.

SO far it seems like Trump is actually taking it seriously and and did Hillary really just say “Trumped up trickle down” cringe city.

Also Trump sniffling is getting out of control, he could be giving exact instructions on how to make America great again.


A great point by your boy Sean, Lester Holt could’ve said nothing so far and the debate would’ve gone the same way.

The first real debate was about taxes and regulations for businesses and Trump kinda squashed Hillary.

**Turns out there are no commercials so I’m glad I wasn’t waiting for then**

Then we moved on to the race debate and Trump managed to not say anything racist. Hillary had a couple really lame moments when she tried to be funny and it did not land at all.

Trumps sniffling is still bothering me.

The birth certificate question for Trump was a weird move by Lester, don’t really thin kit needed to be brought up, waste of time. The fact that there has been more talk about Obama’s certificate than her emails is bananaland.

Listening to Hillary talk about cyber security is funny.

Trump saying the cyber attacks could have been russia, china, or a 400 pound dude on his couch might be the highlight so far.

Important questions

Trump got a little bit shaky on the topic of the war in Iraq. Once he started talking about his “temperament” it got weird but then Hillary jumped in with her cringeworthy “OOO Ok” so awkward and so weird. It’s like she doesn’t know how to act when she is uncomfortable.

I didn’t expect Trump to bring up nuclear armamnets but the whole debate was a little bit boring until North Korea was brought up. It is true that some countries are supporting N Korea in some way and we should not be getting along with them.

Did Hillary just say women should get equal pay as men even if the woman do a worse job? Yes she did.

Overall the debate was below my expectations, solid C. I expected an A.

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