Trump’s campaign manager is the Desperate Housewife of Politics, walks out on CNN interview

OUCH. How about this lady, huh? I mean it takes a certain kind of person to be Donald Trump’s campaign manager (keep in mind this is take 2, he fired the first dude). Takes a real hard ass to be able to deal with this guy’s shit 24/7 and try to make him look like a presentable candidate when in reality he hates 90% of the population of America. And this is exactly what I expected. This bitch is Cruella de Vil meets Evil Stepmother (killer Disney references there, nbd) and she’s not taking no for an answer. Will he accept the results? “Well he’s gonna fucking win so ya.” Yeah but what if he doesn’t win? “Um we’ll figure that out but he’s gonna win. Bye bitch!” Just a killer walkout.

I couldn’t really bring myself to watch much of this debate last night and chose to watch the NLCS instead, but can he seriously not say he’s gonna accept the results? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’d say at this point there’s an 80% chance that this election is rigged for Hillary. I just can’t see anyone in the government right now leaving this up to chance, America is far too stupid for that. And it’s definitely true he’s gotten a raw deal as far as all his inadequacies being breathlessly reported while Hillary’s haven’t, but at the same time he did that to himself. You can’t say the ridiculous shit he’s said and expect the benefit of the doubt. Yeah Hillary lied to the FBI and probably caused the death of some soldiers, but if we’re being honest I think 40% of Washington could put that on their resume. Politicians are assholes, but Donald Trump just may be worse.

All I know is, when the results are announced on Election Night, this bitch is gonna have to hop right out of her coffin and make sure The Don accepts whatever happens. Last thing we need is a disputed election so the rest of the world can laugh at us even more.

PS – This is the kind of shit I’m talking about. If you’re gonna censor CNN like it’s fuckin North Korea, just be less obvious about it.

“Obviously we just lost the satellite feed, that sucks… aaaannyyywayyyy” like c’mon dude. Do better.

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