Are bars of soap the grossest thing on planet Earth? My column:

Even though I used it for the picture, I’m not bashing Irish Spring. LOVE Irish Spring, couldn’t love it more, no body wash leaves my skin feelin’ fresher. Strictly a bar soap argument here.

So this had crossed my mind a few times before but I’d never put a lot of thought into it until I got stuck using one in a hotel this weekend. How are these things still in use? How is this not something we left in the 1800s? Or at least ditched once body wash came around? Let me get this straight: you rub this thing all over your gross body to clean it, and somehow zero germs stay on the thing? Then just leave it to sit and dry till your next shower, then do it again? Bananas in my opinion. A little less gross if you’re the only one using it, but still repulsive.

Where are the studies that prove how disgusting this shit is? You’re telling me a Rutgers professor put TWO YEARS into a study to prove the 5 second rule is bullshit (which, news flash, everyone knows, it’s just there to justify not buying new food when we drop it) but nobody wants to inform the general public that bars of soap are cauldrons of bacteria? My head is literally spinning. Do I have to fund and perform this study myself? Because I’m horribly under qualified and extremely stupid but I’ll do it if that’s what it takes to get these things out of existence. That’s how much I care. I will work day and night to link bars of soap to every single disease and medical condition on God’s green Earth if that’s what I have to do to open people’s eyes. Don’t thank me, although I mean you can I guess.

Idk man maybe I’m an idiot, vote in my poll so I feel less dumb. #BanBarsOfSoap

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