The Cubs won their first World Series in 108 years last night with a CRAZY Game 7 win

I’ve heard this to describe last night’s game a bunch of times today, so I’m not sure where it originally came from but I think it’s the best way to put it: last night’s Game 7 in Cleveland, which the Cubs won 8-7 to clinch their first World Series title since 1908, was definitely not the best baseball game ever, but as far as most memorable, I can’t think of another game that compares.

This game pretty much had everything. A starting pitching matchup between two guys who could both take home the 2016 Cy Young Award for their league. A combined 176 years of futility. Series comebacks, game comebacks, rain delays, and clutch homers. And when it comes down to it, this was the kind of series that had to break the curse for Chicago. 108 years of frustration and let down couldn’t end with a cookie cutter 3-2 series win, just like Boston’s 86 year drought wasn’t gonna end with a typical road to the Fall Classic. The Cubs just had to come back from down 3-1 in the series with the last 2 games on the road. They had to blow a 3 run lead with their multimillion dollar closer in the 8th. There had to be a rain delay after the end of the 9th inning. A normal series just wasn’t gonna cut it.

My prediction at the beginning of this season was Red Sox over Cubs in 6 games, so I guess I did ok. But it was clear early on that this Cubs team was special and they were gonna go places. Just look at the personalities on this team, starting at the top. You’ve got the genius Theo Epstein, who’s just ended his second curse with just a phenomenal eye for talent and how to acquire it. Then there’s Joe Maddon, an admittedly unorthodox manager who could’ve blown this series about a million times but in the end did what he had to do to win it. David Ross was basically a player-manager all year, knowing he was in his last year and wanting one more shot at another ring. And I, for one, am psyched he got it. Then you’ve got the young studs; Rizzo, Bryant, Baez, Schwarber, etc etc. This may be the first one for these guys, but it certainly won’t be the last. Particularly, I think Kris Bryant is my favorite player in baseball (non-Red Sox division). I’ve said this before I’m sure, but the guy just has a phenomenal attitude, always has a smile on his face (even while recording the final out), and he’s got talent coming out of his ears to boot.

Then there’s the pitching staff, one of the best we’ve ever seen. Kyle Hendricks starts the year as the #5 starter; fast forward to November, he’s starting Game 7 and possibly preparing to accept his Cy Young after leading the majors in ERA. Lester finished 2nd in ERA, and the entire staff was in the top 20 in the NL. Hendricks, Lester, Lackey, Hammel, and Arrieta; it’s not even fair. And these guys, as talented as they are, make up possibly the most composed and mentally tough group in the bigs (besides Lester not being able to throw to first, that’s just absurd). Combine that with the offensive stars we’ve talked about and the best defense in baseball, and this was just a matter of time. The curse is lifted, and the Cubs have won.

And fuuuuuuuuuuck Cleveland. “LOL Golden State blew a 3-1 lead, what idiots, Cleveland against the world! We’re turning it around!” Yeah how’s that going? Karma’s a bitch, huh? At least now LeBron can stop pretending he’s an Indians fan, because that was getting really old.

Yeah dude?



Doesn’t shock me even a little that LeBron was one of those kids who rooted for teams from other cities because they were good at the time. Most annoying kinds of people, btw.

Ok, I got off track. Bottom line, congrats to the Cubbies, they deserved it. Could be the start of a dynasty in Chicago, but obviously it’s too soon for that. But for now, enjoy it Cubs fans; we in Boston know how great it is to lift a curse like this.

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