Denard Robinson Found Asleep in his Car Sinking Into a Pond



Denard Robinson was found by the police Sunday morning around 4 a.m sleeping in his car while it was sinking into a pond. It was reported that Denard was woken up by the officer banging on his car window and then he proceeded to close his eyes and fall back asleep. Who does this cop think he is? Trying to wake up Denard during nap time. I pray to God everyday that we will live in a world where we can all lay quietly, together, in our sinking cars with just a little bit of peace and quiet. What baffles me the most is that he was 1. Driving with a passenger who also had no idea they were rim deep in a pond and 2. he was sober throughout all of this. “Allegedly” sober. I think it’s really fishy, no pun intended, that the cop found Denard floating in a pond, passed out and didn’t hit him with a sobriety test. None of this matters anyway since he stands as the third string running back on a joke they call a franchise. I will say this though, he will be my number 1 sleeper pick in this years fantasy draft.

Johnny Football Joins NFL’s Suspension List

Johnny Manziel – 4 games, Substance abuse

Rolando McClain – 4 games, Substance abuse 

Sheldon Richardson – 1 game, Personal conduct 

Tom Brady – 4 games, Allegedly being aware of air pressure

Vontaze Burfict – 3 games, Player-safety 

Martavis Bryant – 1 year, Substance abuse

Randy Gregory – 4 games, Substance abuse 

The NFL continues to be handing out suspensions left and right with Johnny Manziel, Rolando McClain, and Sheldon Richardson getting theirs handed to them recently. Let me start off by criticizing the league for even giving Manziel a suspension because lets be honest, who the hell is going to want him? He is a free agent and nobody is signing him. Why waste your time with this guy? His own dad isn’t giving him the time of day and he made that crystal clear when he said jail ‘would be the best place’ for Johnny. Even his lawyer is screwing him by texting the Associated Press that he is worried Johnny is not clean. But hey, at least he has a place to go. The Arena Football League commissioner said there is a job for Johnny there and encourages him to join so that he can prove people wrong and show that he is clean and sober. What a great idea! Those 3 AFL fans will really appreciate all the hard work he put in. The only advice that I can give Manziel is from a very wise man…

Stephen A Smith

Clearly Martavis, Rolando, and Randy wanted no part of Stephen A’s wisdom.

And don’t even get me started when talking about Sheldon Richardson’s suspension. This guy got one measly game for going 143 mph with a 12 year-old in the car. Oh, and by the way, he had a gun in the car and police reported there was a strong scent of marijuana in the car. Are you kidding me Goodell? You are a joke. Richardson is the same guy who was suspended 4 games in 2015 for substance abuse and he blatantly violates the same rule and you follow up and hit him with 1 game. But you know what, let’s just toss 4 games at a guy who “probably” knew about deflated footballs.


Wake Up With Jamarcus Russell’s Comeback

Today is the 9 year anniversary of JR getting drafted and we are still waiting for his return.

Thanksgiving Day Football Recap

Another successful Thanksgiving is in the books and the football was mediocre. The closest game was the Lions vs Bears game and it was decided by the third quarter.

The Eagles never lose on Thanksgiving for some reason so McCoy had a great game which was a little bit exciting, but nothing special.

And then came the night time game, I started Colin Kap in fantasy just in hopes to be watching a good game. However, it may have been the least entertaining football game that ever happened. Somehow the 49ers offense only put up 3 points in the entire game. Pathetic.

Overall everything sports related to Thanksgiving was pretty terrible. It was nice to see Calvin Johnson making insane catches again and putting up big numbers, but all in all a very anticlimactic day of football. Blah.