I Bought These Shoes, Now What? #ReedThoughts

So if you listen to Take Zone Radio you already know that I’ve been on an amazon binge. This was technically an ebay purchase but whatever.

So the real question here is when the hell do I wear these dumb ass shoes?? My first two thoughts were to either never wear them and be ashamed of this horrible purchase, or maybe at a party? I have no idea. I need your help.

Also if you are a sucker like me and want to buy them here is the link, only 30 bucks…



Do We Need To Bring Back The Guillotine? #ReedThoughts

***Every week, at least once a week I will post something ridiculous that comes into my head or comes up in discussion with my friends. It’ll be called #ReedThoughts in honor of the great cReed Bratton from the office. You can find him at www.creedthoughts.gov.www/creedthoughts*** 

Now listen I know we are in America, all civilized and modern and ethical blah blah blah. But guillotines are SICK. Nothing instills more fear than the possibility of getting your head chopped off. I’m honestly shocked that Kim Jong Un doesn’t use it daily. Look at me the wrong way, guillotine. Use sarcasm, guillotine. Haircut comments, guillotine.

In the American context I think we could use it to change the way we do things. Not necessarily use it as the new form of the death penalty.

For example let’s significantly cut back on bank security, the catch is that if you get caught robbing a bank you get your head dropped in a basket.

Just a thought.