The Hunt To Be Best Friends With Joe Webb Part II: I Bought His Jersey

If you missed part 1 here you go.

So commenting on his instragram pic didn’t exactly work out, but I like to think that he saw it at least. It can’t all happen at once, first I have to plant the seed and then it has to grow. So let the growing begin.

I honestly can’t believe that I didn’t have his jersey to begin with. It was mainly because I wanted his jersey from when he was on the Vikings but apparently those don’t exist anymore. So I went to amazon to find a cheap one and here it it 35 bucks later. I think there’s a chance it’s a superbowl 5o edition but that’s fine as long as it says Webb 14 then I’m gucci.

I was a little bit hesitant at first to buy his jersey because I’m sure he doesn’t want to be friends with someone wearing his jersey, kinda weird. But at the end of the day this was the right move.

I’d give myself a solid D+ in terms of effort right now. Commenting on Instagram and buying a jersey is not even close to enough, I will be stepping it up soon.