Why Does Taco Bell Put The Cheese On Top Of Their Tacos #ReedThoughts

Reed Thoughts is in loving memory of Creed Bratton of Scranton, PA. Creed was an OG blogger you can find him at www.creedthoughts.gov.www/creedthoughts 

So after yesterday’s #NationalTacoDay I remembered something that has always pissed me off, why the hell is the cheese on the top. I thought it was common knowledge to put the cheese right on top of the beef so it could melt a little bit.

The fact that Taco Bell hasn’t addressed this issue for a few years is absolute ludicrous.



Kelly Ayotte Put Up A Snapchat Filter About Condoms At UNH

Kelly Ayotte, the most hip and groovy polititian around. Hitting batting practice in commercials and snapchatting about condoms. Basically what every young person wants from their candidate.

I’m so sick of polititians like Ayotte trying so hard so be current and with the times. I don’t want to speak for everyone but I know i like to see someone genuine. And I think that’s why a TON of college students liked Bernie Sanders. That, as well as the whole socialism thing. I’ve said over and over though that if Bernie had Hillary’s policies he would’ve been a shoe in for president. Bernie was a genuine dude, Kelyl Ayotte on th other hand could be the most honest and trustworth person ever, but when you come off as a phony and corny then it doesn’t even matter.

So shout out to Kelly’s social media team for coming up with this one, I’m sure it’s all the rage at UNH right now.


Today Is National Taco Day, So Do The American Thing And Go To Taco Bell

One of America’s greatest pastimes is taking other cultures and pretending like it is ours. And since today is #NationalTacoDay the right thing to do, as an true american, is to go buy a taco.

Taco Bell is one of the greatest american inventions of all time. “But Reed isn’t TBell Mexican food?” Ya so what? Taco Bell is american food, fact. If you disagree then you were probably exposed to lead paint as a child. That’s like going to McDonald’s in Singapore and acting like the salted egg yolks and rice is a normal thing us Americans eat at restaurants. Also, I have a hunch people in mexico aren’t sitting around the table at night eating home made crunchwrap supremes, or waking up and popping a few cinnabon delights with a sausage flatbread quesadilla. Wash it down with a baja blast? Not in mexico. All of that shit is American property.

Barstool Sports Comments Of The Week

Riggs’  – Charlotte Police Released Footage Of Keith Scott Shooting Over The Weekend


Spags – A Guy With A Micropenis Wrote An Article About His Life And It Seems Pretty Unsatisfying (Both The Dick And The Life)

comment 26.JPG

KFC – Snapchat Releases “Spectacles” – Glasses That Record 10 Seconds Of Video From A First Person POV

kfc comment 926.JPG

Kmarko – A Live Look Inside A University of Kansas Safe Space vs. Free Speech Meeting Shows Basically Hell On Earth


Pres – Check Out The Howitzer On Tom Brady!

comment 827.JPG

Nate – Someone Accidentaly Dropped a Baggie Of Coke Into Greg Hardy’s Wallet When He Passed It Around (The Wallet) At a Party


Chaps – Life Lessons With Chaps


Clem – Proposing To Your Girlfriend And Then Giving Her The Puppy That She Always Wanted Is A Crazy Move


Spags – A Buzzfeed Reporter Said The Presidential Debate Gave Women “True PTSD” Because It’s A Trauma When Men Talk Over Women


Kmarko – From Today’s Newsletter…”Have People Heard Of This Chat Roulette Thing?”


Nate – I’m Very Conflicted About Jon Favreau Making A New, LIVE ACTION Remake of The Lion King


Riggs – Obama’s First Overridden Veto Comes As Congress Pushes 9/11 Victim Bill


Caleb – The Rumors Are True, My Intern Hired An Intern


Spags – A Lady Cop Got Hired, Posted A Snapchat In Uniform Saying “I’m The Law Today Nigga,” Immediately Got Fired


I Bought These Shoes, Now What? #ReedThoughts

So if you listen to Take Zone Radio you already know that I’ve been on an amazon binge. This was technically an ebay purchase but whatever.

So the real question here is when the hell do I wear these dumb ass shoes?? My first two thoughts were to either never wear them and be ashamed of this horrible purchase, or maybe at a party? I have no idea. I need your help.

Also if you are a sucker like me and want to buy them here is the link, only 30 bucks…



Introducing Barstool’s Newest Campus Viceroy: Me #GoReedGo

Your boy got a gig as campus viceroy for Bentley University. Basically what this means is I am responsible for the Barstool Bentley twitter account (@BarstoolBentley). So I’ll be posting smokeshows and pics/videos of stuff going around campus that can help expand the barstool brand. Also, Bentley students be on the lookout for some new snapchat filters on Saturday nights, it’s gonna be lit.

I also made this picture to accurately describe how important I am at barstool:barstool-totem-pole

Yes I am below dirt as well as an unpaid intern named Glenny Balls. tbh I’m just happy to be in the picture (which I made). So if you know whats good for you go follow @BarstoolBentley on twitter, I should be taking over sometime in the next few days and I’ll have the account for 8 months as long as I don’t get fired.

P.S. This changes nothing for Take Zone, I just have more work to do that’s all. #GoReedGo

Golfer Danny Willett’s brother HATES American golf fans

Ooooookay, Pete Willett. Not the brightest idea on your part. This is like those stupid kids that still give death threats on the Internet (gotten a few in my day, nbd, just means I’m doing something right), like you know that isn’t gonna work out for you. He knows the Ryder Cup is in America this year, and the only reason he’s saying this is because he’s not the one playing. Why does this guy even have the power to write one of these? “Brother of a golfer” shouldn’t get you free reign on NationalClubGolfer.com.

But what sucks is, even though Danny Willett seems like a great dude and had nothing to do with this besides maybe knocking his brother out one too many times as a kid, he’s gonna get destroyed for this. The US fans are gonna tear him a new one all week, both verbally and possibly literally. Now, I’m not saying he’s not right in saying US golf fans are a bit more rowdy than European fans, and I’m not saying his description doesn’t kinda actually describe like 5% of Americans, but I definitely cannot understand the logic of trying to rile up a bunch of American sports fan. Regardless of sport, we go hard over here. It’s how we do it, it’s how we’ve always done it, and until the NFL gets shut down in 2030 that’s how we’re always gonna do it. So bringing it up, and saying it like this and intentionally trying to piss us off, is just a horrible idea. Bad bad bad.

Then again, the Ryder Cup is in Minnesota this year, so everyone’s gonna be pretty polite I guess. Point still stands.

Presidential Debate LIVE BLOG

Follow along with this post as the debate goes on I’m gonna be updating it every commercial or so.

So I’m watching right now before the debate actually starts and some old fart just said that there is no clapping or booing for the live audience. That is a huge load of crap, there’s no way this audience can keep that up.

I have no idea what the context of this video is but I love it. THANKS A LOT BITCH

So Lester Holt just came out and he’s trying to not be nervous in front of 100 million people. How can they predict that many people will be watching? I fell like if the said 150 million were projected to watch the 150 million would end up watching.

Also the CNN people have mentioned that this is the first debate with a woman about 1451347 times as if we didn’t know she was a woman.

SO far it seems like Trump is actually taking it seriously and and did Hillary really just say “Trumped up trickle down” cringe city.

Also Trump sniffling is getting out of control, he could be giving exact instructions on how to make America great again.


A great point by your boy Sean, Lester Holt could’ve said nothing so far and the debate would’ve gone the same way.

The first real debate was about taxes and regulations for businesses and Trump kinda squashed Hillary.

**Turns out there are no commercials so I’m glad I wasn’t waiting for then**

Then we moved on to the race debate and Trump managed to not say anything racist. Hillary had a couple really lame moments when she tried to be funny and it did not land at all.

Trumps sniffling is still bothering me.

The birth certificate question for Trump was a weird move by Lester, don’t really thin kit needed to be brought up, waste of time. The fact that there has been more talk about Obama’s certificate than her emails is bananaland.

Listening to Hillary talk about cyber security is funny.

Trump saying the cyber attacks could have been russia, china, or a 400 pound dude on his couch might be the highlight so far.

Important questions

Trump got a little bit shaky on the topic of the war in Iraq. Once he started talking about his “temperament” it got weird but then Hillary jumped in with her cringeworthy “OOO Ok” so awkward and so weird. It’s like she doesn’t know how to act when she is uncomfortable.

I didn’t expect Trump to bring up nuclear armamnets but the whole debate was a little bit boring until North Korea was brought up. It is true that some countries are supporting N Korea in some way and we should not be getting along with them.

Did Hillary just say women should get equal pay as men even if the woman do a worse job? Yes she did.

Overall the debate was below my expectations, solid C. I expected an A.

Anyone wanna generate some positive sports news any time soon?

Jesus Christ, what a couple of days.

First off, we’ve got the tragic, unexpected death of Jose Fernandez, one of the best young players in baseball aside from being one of the bright personalities in the game. A small silver lining in the death of a prominent public figure is always the stories and memories that come out once they pass. We had a bunch with guys like Prince, Buddy Ryan, Muhammad Ali, etc., and the Fernandez stories have been great lately. Not to mention some legendary gifs.

I wrote about Fernandez yesterday, and it was shitty and rushed and I still hadn’t fathomed much of it yet really, but the kicker in all of it is that the guy barely got to show what he could do. He finishes his career with a strikeout rate of 31.2%, higher than any starting pitcher in the history of baseball. He was only 24, and had so much talent and happiness left to give to the world. It just sucks.

Then, if that wasn’t enough, last night we lost The King, one of the greatest golfers/beverage masterminds of our time, Arnold Palmer. He was 87 and hadn’t been in great health for some time, but that doesn’t lessen the blow any. I basically know the guy’s stats by heart because they’re printed on the side of Arnold Palmer cans and I probably go through 2 of those per day when I’m not at school, but in case you’re not an addict like me:

-62 PGA Tour wins (5th all time)

-7 major championships

-PGA Player of the Year twice

-PGA Tour leading money winner 4 times

-SI Sportsman of the Year 1960

-Presidential Medal of Freedom 2004

-World Golf Hall of Famer

And, if you didn’t notice, not all of those are golf-related. That’s because as great of a golfer as Palmer was, he was a better man. He started the Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children in Orlando in 1989 which treats premature children and their mothers as well as many cases of pediatric cancer. He’s also been known as one of the greatest men in a sport which has literally bred gentlemen for hundreds of years. Just one of the most genuine people in the world, and he’ll be dearly missed.

And finally, in slightly less but still pretty depressing news, today it was made public that the Miami Heat no longer have any plans to bring Chris Bosh back onto the team, and seeing as it would be a huge risk to undertake a contract in his name at this stage of his career and condition, it looks like we have probably seen the last of Chris Bosh in the NBA. Bosh wasn’t the biggest star in the league by any means, but he was a star nonetheless and the fact that his career was cut short by blood clots is a bad break for a great guy.

He was basically known as the guy in the Miami Big Three that you probably hated the least, but before that Bosh was the face of the Toronto Raptors. Drafted by the Raptors 4th overall in 2003, he still remains the franchises top scorer. He won an Olympic gold medal in 2008, 2 NBA championships, three 3-point contests, and was an All-Star 11 times. It can be debated whether or not he’s a Hall of Famer, but he was certainly a star, and it’ll be a bummer not having him on the court any longer. Especially at just 32 years old.

So, now here’s the question: when’s something good gonna happen? Part of the reason I’ve always loved sports is that it’s different from all the other news out there; for the most part, it’s positive. Instead of wars and famine and terrorism, you get mind-blowing physical feats and hilarious commentary from often uneducated but extremely athletic individuals. It’s awesome. We had a decent slate of football yesterday, but I’m gonna need a couple feel-good fluff stories in the next few days to get me back into fully loving sports again. Make it happen, America.

Designated Survivor premiered last night and it was… awesome


So I decided against going with a full scale People vs. OJ style review blog on this one (shouts to my Keegansports readers), mostly because sophomore Sean has about 1/4 the work ethic of freshman Sean (who had a pretty bad one to start with, how am I even at this school?), but I did wanna say something about this show because it was pretty great. I had really high expectations going in, and it fully met/exceeded them.

First, our boy Jack Bauer: electric. Whether he’s sipping coffee the morning of the explosion or about to talk to the whole nation on TV, the guy’s cool as a cucumber. Well except for that puking part… but I mean, who wouldn’t be a little nervous? He’s just strolling around the White House, somehow finding a way to creep on his kids and see what they’re talking about, wife on his arm who is somehow hot but I just can’t figure out how


I have no idea what I find attractive about Natascha McElhone but it’s undeniable, I’ll tell you that. Just got that constant deer in  headlights look that almost makes me think I have a shot with her. They also threw in my boy Kumar aka Kevin from How I Met Your Mother as a speechwriter/guy who shits on Kiefer in the bathroom, so that’s a plus.

Anyway, you’ve seen ads and know the plot, but basically one minute Kiefer (Tom Kirkman) is chilling in a conference room right outside DC, drinking a beer and watching the State of the Union, and the next minute he’s President after an explosion in the Capitol. Mix in the fact that he actually had gotten demoted earlier that day and was planning on stepping down the next day, and things are pretty interesting right off the bat. The show doesn’t just focus on the new President, though; we also see the FBI trying to sort everything out, and then you mix in that they initially can’t find Kiefer’s son because he’s at a club selling Ecstasy or Zig Zag or whatever the kids are doing these days.

So here’s our boy Kiefer, goes from recently-fired Secretary of Housing to POTUS in a few hours, still rocking his Cornell sweatshirt and jeans (obligatory Andy gif)


And boom, into the war room (after they show him the “nuclear football”, which is basically the phone/button that let’s him launch a fuckin nuke from anywhere in the country) where they learn that Iran is attempting to use the chaos to block off an important Western oil resource. The Iranian Ambassador is finally man enough to show up in DC, and just when they all think ol’ Jack Bauer’s going soft he lets em have it. Tells him, bitch, you got 3 hours to get those ships out of there or our bombers are engaging. And even Iran man knows you don’t fuck with the US after a terrorist attack, or any time for that matter. He never says as much, but I’m thinking those ships are leaving pronto.

They finally get this guy in front of a camera ready to make his best Obama impersonation, and that’s where the episode ends. I will say: wayyyyy too many commercial breaks for my liking. I get it’s ABC, big national audience, whatever too many breaks in the action. But looking towards next week, we’ll get started with Kiefer addressing the nation, then a possible second attack? And to bring it all together, trouble on the homefront when First Lady Natascha finds her son’s stash. ABC Wednesdays 10 PM!