Patriots Pregame

Thursday night football for the Patriots is finally here and I am pumped. Not only because I don’t have to wait until Sunday, but because they are playing the Jets. The Jets are always good for an easy blowout and some internet memes.

Also there was a story released today about how the Jets almost drafted Brady. HAHAHAHAHAHA such a low blow to jets fans it is laugh out loud funny. Now whenever TB12 throws a touchdown tonight all the Jets fans will be able to think is that the last decade could have been completely different.

This got me thinking…what if Brady was on the Jets for his entire career? No Superbowls, probably no Gisele marriage, and the biggest of them all…no butt fumble.

Can’t wait to appreciate the fact that I’m not a Jets fan tonight.

Kobe’s Future And A Jeter Comparison

ESPN – For the fourth straight year, and the TrueHoop Network are ranking every NBA player and counting them down on Twitter (@ESPNNBA) from No. 500 to No. 1. Kobe Bryant checks in at No. 40, one spot behind Andre Iguodala.

People on twitter are losing their marbles over this. They are going bananas because they still think that the 36 year old Lakers star is an elite player. I have news for those people: Kobe is washed up. 
I am actually a big Kobe fan which is really weird because I love the Celtics, but I can’t help but respect his passion for competition. However, his career is coming to an end. He hasn’t played in a season and has had two major injuries in the last 2 years. So the fact that he is in the top 50 players in the league is shocking. At this point all Kobe is providing the Lakers is media attention. On the other hand he is a huge contract that is sucking the life out of the organization. he has a two year $48 million contract. If he doesn’t retire after this contract then the lakers could get a tax write off for charity. There is no way his body will be able to function by then. For someone who gave his heart for two decades to the same team he is doing okay, but the end is near. He is indeed the heart and soul of Los Angeles, but $48 million is too much money. No way he deserves the most money out of any NBA player this year. Especially on a struggling team, you would think that management would want to invest that money in some new young players. I’m not saying get rid of Kobe completely because he is still a valuable asset to the entire organization, but he deserves half of what he is getting.
If I was Kobe though, I wouldn’t worry about a thing. I would do just about anything for two years to earn $48 million. All he has to do is brainwash the Lakers into thinking that he is the same old Kobe and he just needs to recover from his injury. This job is done effortlessly by him right now so good for him. This is pretty similar to Steve Nash except Kobe actually plans on playing basketball this year.
He needs to have a farewell season just like Jeter did and we will move on. I don’t want to compare Kobe to Jeter though, they are two very different creatures. 
Actually, I will compare them because in some ways they are more similar than most people realize. They both stayed with the same organization for their entire careers. (Kobe was actually drafted by the Hornets but that’s just a technicality). Here’s a photo that will probably boil your brain:

Yeah, this is no joke. A few of these stats are common, but then you realize they both have a .614 playoff win percentage. That’s just too much to handle. What are the chances? This is a no brainer, they are simply the same athlete. We just have to accept that.
The point here is that they started their careers at the same time, and after Kobe’s contract is expired they will have played the same number of seasons. So it is only fitting that he retires then. #Res8ect #Re24ect
P.S. I still think a very overlooked stat about Kobe is that he has 133 games were he scored at least 40 points. Step up, Lebron.

Op Ed – The NBA Draft Lottery Is Rigged

The way the NBA draft works is a very complicated system, but has basic principles. The worst 14 teams from the season are put in a lottery, the team with the worst record has the highest chance of getting the number 1 pick. The way the lottery works is that teams have ping pong balls with certain combinations and they are drawn randomly. The team with the highest chance of the number 1 pick will have the most combinations. For years this system worked, but in the last decade people have criticized that the lottery is rigged.
            I am a big basketball fan myself, and I wish that I could say the NBA lottery wasn’t rigged, but I strongly believe it is. David Stern as commissioner definitely abused his power. Why did he fix the lottery? He did it mainly for business and image reasons.
First of all, the drawing of the ping pong balls is held privately, so the public doesn’t even know what is happening behind those closed doors. A trend that there has been in the NBA is that whenever a star player leaves his team either through free agency or trades, that team gets a top pick the next year.
The lottery has been rigged for many years. With only a 1.5% chance of winning the number 1 pick, Orlando hit the jackpot purely based on luck, right? Maybe. After a couple years of expansion that saw 4 teams join the NBA in 1988 and 1989, I’m sure David Stern was interested in an expansion team success story. The Magic earned 2 number 1 picks in a row with the first landing Shaquille O’Neal and the second pick holding the title of having the lowest percent chance to ever win the no. 1 pick. David Stern wanted the Magic to be a good team so that his effort to expand the NBA appeared to be a success.
About three years ago the Hornets lost their future hall of fame player, Chris Paul. The Hornets’ business was declining and they needed something to pick them up. The following year, one of the best college players in years entered into the draft, his name is Anthony Davis. Davis had already created a reputation of being a world class player in his college career, and he was even selected for the USA team for the Olympics. After a tough season for the Hornets without Chris Paul, they just happened to get the first pick and selected Anthony Davis which revived their business.
After LeBron James made his Decision and left Cleveland, the cavaliers business was struggling. The entire city of Cleveland seemed to fall into a state of depression. The next draft lottery came around and who received the first pick and selected all-star Kyrie Irving? Of course it was the Cavaliers. Any time a team loses the heart of their business they coincidentallyget the first pick. Also, in lieu of LeBron’s return to Cleveland with only a 1.7% chance of the number 1 pick, the Cavs won the lottery again in hopes for LeBron to continue his dynasty in a city that still needed the business boost.
These are just a few of the obvious instances the NBA commissioner fixed the draft lottery to improve the business and image of the league. Are these instances all coincidences? I don’t think so.

Here’s some tweets of NBA players on this matter, I wouldn’t even be surprised if they got in trouble with the league because of this. 
P.S. People have been saying that the Bucks are going to get the number 1 pick next year considering the organization was purchased for over $100 million more than the team was valued at by Forbes…but who knows. Actually Adam Silver knows.
P.P.S. For some reason my computer wants to auto correct  LeBron to Lebanon…figure it out google blogger. This is america, and in america we are 10000x more likely to be typing the name of the best basketball player in the world than some country.

Ebola Updates

A second nurse in Dallas has been infected with the virus. Maybe Mark Cuban will make some moves. Or he will just tweet something outrageous about how he doesn’t care about Ebola and Adam Silver will fine him thousands of dollars a.k.a. Cuban Pocket Change.
Another person who flew into Cleveland has it also. This only makes sense considering something bad was bound to happen to the newly uplifted city. Lebron came back, and Johnny Football joined the Cleveland Browns, so it was only a matter of time until a catastrophic event occurred. Lebron could’ve had more leg cramps, Manziel could’ve been busted for cocaine (controversial), but instead the entire city is likely to get a life threatening virus. Not super surprising by Cleveland standards. 

Tom Brady’s New Ugg Commercial Is Soooo Tom Brady

Can Tom be more perfect? No, he can’t. Right when we think his career is going down the drain after a tough start to the season, what does he do? He puts the team on his back, throws for a couple solid wins, and makes sick commercials.

Let’s break down this 60 seconds of gold:

1. Perfect Pancake – what does TB12 have for breakfast? A perfectly round pancake. Perfection is in every part off his life.

2. Mrs. Brady – Tommy is a mommy’s boy and the ladies can’t help but love him more because of it.

3. Inspiration – Somehow while he was talking about his super comfy slippers, I felt like I was ready to go to battle with him in the Patriots. Brady can’t stop and won’t stop his perfect life.

P.S. Definitely thought we were going to get some Gisele action in this one…there is always next time. 


Welcome to Public Sports Announcement!

I am very excited to start this blog about today’s sports stories along with other popular internet subjects. I am a 17 year old high school student from Salem, NH and I am eager to share my views on stories that people don’t normally hear from a teenager.

Some major influences of mine are Barstool Sports, Complex Magazine, and Bleacher Report. I will cover many of the subjects that they do, but I will add an interesting teen flare that those websites don’t have. I am from New England so my heart is with the NE sports teams, but I will not limit my stories to this area.

I plan to have a few blogs a day and I can’t wait to get started!

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